"Sweet Mystery of Life At Last I've Found You..."
Two years ago I wrote about trying to make homemade donuts. I can't believe it has been two years since I've tried them, but today was the day to do it again.
I really had intended to make cinnamon rolls. I scoured the web for recipes. I settled on one with a video. I did everything the presenter did. I looked on in horror as my batter did not resemble anything she was showing on the video. I tried to salvage it. I made a really big mess. I got mad. I threw batter away. I sulked. I cried because I wasted time/money on ingredients. I had flashbacks to the great Parker House roll disaster of 2007. I stayed grouchy for the rest of the day.
What is the great "Parker House Roll Disaster of 2007"? you ask.
Well my friends, picture a youngish bride aproned up and covered in flour as she painstakingly tries to follow a recipe for Parker House rolls. I mixed, kneaded, rested and baked my heart out. I knew I was in trouble when I was taking them out of the oven and the pan felt really heavy. As they cooled, they got heavier. I don't even think that is scientifically possible, but it happened.
I had trouble breaking them apart to see the inside, and as I was repositioning the tray one fell off and hit the floor with a startlingly loud THUD. My husband calls from the living room "What was that?" I yelled back, that it was a roll, to which he replied, "that was a roll?"
Yeah. My Labrador--who eats crayons and the poop of other dogs--would not touch the "roll."
It was a dark time/place in my life.
Now that I've had a good night's sleep, it is time to make donuts.
Once again, I turned to "Joy of Cooking" and singled out the recipe for cake batter donuts. Unlike two years ago, this time I had acquired a thermometer for frying and it has made a huge difference in how my food comes out! I used to think buying a lot of difference gadgets was a waste of money. I have completely changed my tune now.
My daughter and I got up bright and early, I mixed the ingredients, put it in the fridge, and we did our homeschool lessons while we patiently waited for the dough to rest. At the two hour mark I rolled, cut and fried like I knew what I was doing. The rewards were everything I had hoped they would be.
I didn't use all the batter because half the bowl generated enough for 11 four inch donuts and about as many donut holes. That is a pretty good amount for three people.
I rolled some in powdered sugar, did a vanilla glaze on some, and a lemon glaze on the rest (lemons are my friend now, see "A Study In Lemons"). It was a great deal of hard work, but I'm incredibly proud of myself and needed a win. Especially after the disaster that was the cinnamon roll experience. I think I will refer to cinnamon rolls as "that baked good which shall not be named."
You may have won this time "baked good which shall not be named" but I have claimed victory over your cousin the donut. It is only a matter of time before I claim victory over you.
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